Application to Import or Export Wildlife

Use this form to submit an application to import wildlife into Victoria or to export wildlife to another Australian state or territory. 

An Import or Export Permit is required under Section 50 of the Wildlife Act 1975 to move wildlife into or out of Victoria.  This includes wildlife where a licence is not required to possess it in Victoria.  Wildlife includes deer, non-indigenous quail, pheasants and partridges, any terrestrial invertebrates animals listed in the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988.  The definition also includes any form of wildlife – whether it is alive or dead and includes the flesh, skin, fur, bones, organs, blood, tissue or eggs.

A permit must be obtained before any wildlife is transported.  You cannot import or export wildlife until you receive your permit. 

Wildlife laws vary between each Australian state and territory.  It is recommended that you contact the relevant authority about the legal requirements for keeping wildlife in that State/Territory.

Notification of Outcome

Please note that it is a condition of your permit that you notify DEECA of the outcome of the intended consignment.

You will need to refer to your Import or Export Permit for the Permit number.

If you were issued a permit and the consignment has been completed, please select notify outcome of an Import-Export Permit  below.

  • all wildlife listed on this application form has been lawfully obtained;

  • all wildlife listed on this application form can be lawfully kept in the state or territory where it has been obtained from or being shipped to;

  • my wildlife licence or permit is not currently suspended or subject to any conditions preventing the transfer of wildlife;

  • I understand there are penalties for making a false declaration and that any permit issued as a result of false or misleading information will be cancelled and may affect my eligibility to keep wildlife in the future;

  • all details provided by me on this form are true and correct.

  • I understand there are penalties for making a false declaration and that any permit issued as a result of false or misleading information will be cancelled and may affect my eligibility to keep wildlife in the future;

  • all details provided by me on this form are true and correct.

Applicant details

Please retype Your Wildlife Licence No to ensure that it is correct and matches records held by Office of the Conservation Regulator

Please check your licence no. The entered values do not match.

If approved, your permit will be emailed only to the address specified on your wildlife licence account. Should you need to update your account details, please contact us at
or call 136 186.

Applicant's Victorian address

For Applicant’s Victorian Address - If you do not have a current wildlife licence or permit, you must include the street address (for example the house, lot or crown allotment number and the street or road name). Post office boxes, RMB or RSD will not be accepted.

Interstate party

Notification of outcome

Consignment details

Import – select if you are bringing wildlife into Victoria from another Australian state or territory. 

Export – select if you are taking or sending wildlife from Victoria to another Australian state or territory.

Where Condition selected is 'Other'

Shipment date

Please allow no less than five working days prior to the required travel date. If approved, your permit will be issued for 30 days.

Transport method

Declaration by applicant



Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DEECA) is committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the principles of the Victorian privacy laws.  The information you provide will be used to monitor compliance with licence conditions and to provide information about any changes to legislative requirements.  Your contact details may also be used by DEECA or its contracted service providers under confidentiality agreements to survey you about your experience with DEECA or to seek feedback related the keeping of wildlife.  A licence may not be issued if the information required is not provided.

The information you provide will also be made available to any authorised law enforcement agency.

You may access the information you have provided to DEECA by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

Please check that all details are correct before clicking the Submit button. Any errors may result in processing delays.